
Join us as we explore the future of antimicrobials from a multipronged approach. In this live webinar, we will highlight the complexity of demonstrating the value of antimicrobials and discuss how risk-sharing agreements and managed entry agreements affect innovation. Finally, you can join the discussion as we review the importance of value, innovation and collaboration in tackling antimicrobial resistance.

Our Faculty


Lieven Annemans

Senior Professor of Health Economics,
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, and
Guest Professor at the Vienna
School of Clinical Research, Vienna, Austria

See Bio

Mark Gilchrist

Consultant Pharmacist in Infectious
Diseases, Imperial College Healthcare
NHS Trust, London, UK

See Bio

Alec Morton

Visiting Professor, Saw Swee Hock
School of Public Health, National
University of Singapore, Singapore

See Bio


Time (CET)
Welcome and introduction
Chair: Alec Morton (Singapore)
Preserving the future: Tackling antimicrobial resistance head-on
Mark Gilchrist (UK)
Demonstrating value: Looking beyond standard outcomes-based evaluation
Alec Morton (Singapore)
Addressing uncertainty while maximising effective use of antimicrobials:
Managed entry agreements
Lieven Annemans (Belgium)
Panel discussion and Q&A
All speakers,
moderated by Alec Morton (Singapore)
15 mins
The value argument: Assessing the impact of effective diagnostic strategies
Alec Morton (UK)
10 mins
Panel discussion
All speakers,
moderated by Alec Morton (Singapore)

Why attend HIVE?

The goal of the HIVE programme is to provide a platform for hospital pharmacists, payers and key decision-makers to expand their knowledge of health economics and outcomes research as well as health technology assessments in order to assessments in order to assess the impact of antimicrobial resistance and the value of anti-infectives. The programme will also consider how application of this can improve appropriate patient access to effective anti-infective therapies.